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[MAN] transset

Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Man page of TRANSSET


Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: transset 1.0.1
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transset - Set transparency on a window  


transset [-options ...] [opacity]  


transset is a simple program for X servers supporting the XFIXES, DAMAGE, and COMPOSITE extensions. It lets the user set the transparency on a window.

The opacity value is a number from 0 to 1, with zero being fully transparent and 1 being fully opaque. If no opacity argument is given, a default value of 0.75 is used for the opacity value. If neither --inc nor --dec are given, the opacity is treated as an absolute value and set to the given opacity value. If --inc or --dec is specified, then the opacity is treated as a relative value to increase or decrease the current opacity by.  


-display display
This option specifies the server to use; see X(7).

-h, --help
This option displays a help message and exits.

-t, --toggle
This option forces a toggle of opacity. If the current opacity is not set to fully opaque (opacity 1.0), it will be reset to fully opaque. If the window is already fully opaque, the opacity will be set normally.

-c, --click
This option selects the target window by waiting for the user to click the mouse - the topmost window under the mouse cursor when the mouse click occurs will be used as the target.

-p, --point
This option selects the window currently under the cursor to be the target.

-a, --actual
This option selects the window that currently has input focus to be the target.

-n, --name name
This option selects the target window by name, where name is matched as a regular expression, unless --no-regex is also specified.

This option disables treating the name argument to --name as a regular expression.

-i, --id
This option selects the target window by window id.

This option increases the window opacity by the given opacity argument.

This option decreases the window opacity by the given opacity argument.

-m, --min opacity
This option sets the minimum possible opacity value. It defaults to 0 if this option is not given.

-x, --max opacity
This option sets the maximum possible opacity value. It defaults to 1 if this option is not given.

-v, --verbose
This option prints some additional debug info as the program operates.

-V, --version
This option prints the program version number and exits.


Probably. Please report any you find to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg.  


Matthew Hawn




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Time: 04:45:28 GMT, September 16, 2022

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