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[MAN] iconv

Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Man page of ICONV


Section: Linux User Manual (1)
Updated: 2018-02-02
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iconv - convert text from one character encoding to another  


iconv [options] [-f from-encoding] [-t to-encoding] [inputfile]...  


The iconv program reads in text in one encoding and outputs the text in another encoding. If no input files are given, or if it is given as a dash (-), iconv reads from standard input. If no output file is given, iconv writes to standard output.

If no from-encoding is given, the default is derived from the current locale's character encoding. If no to-encoding is given, the default is derived from the current locale's character encoding.  


-f from-encoding, --from-code=from-encoding
Use from-encoding for input characters.
-t to-encoding, --to-code=to-encoding
Use to-encoding for output characters.
If the string //IGNORE is appended to to-encoding, characters that cannot be converted are discarded and an error is printed after conversion.
If the string //TRANSLIT is appended to to-encoding, characters being converted are transliterated when needed and possible. This means that when a character cannot be represented in the target character set, it can be approximated through one or several similar looking characters. Characters that are outside of the target character set and cannot be transliterated are replaced with a question mark (?) in the output.
-l, --list
List all known character set encodings.
Silently discard characters that cannot be converted instead of terminating when encountering such characters.
-o outputfile, --output=outputfile
Use outputfile for output.
-s, --silent
This option is ignored; it is provided only for compatibility.
Print progress information on standard error when processing multiple files.
-?, --help
Print a usage summary and exit.
Print a short usage summary and exit.
-V, --version
Print the version number, license, and disclaimer of warranty for iconv.


Zero on success, nonzero on errors.  


Internally, the iconv program uses the iconv(3) function which in turn uses gconv modules (dynamically loaded shared libraries) to convert to and from a character set. Before calling iconv(3), the iconv program must first allocate a conversion descriptor using iconv_open(3). The operation of the latter function is influenced by the setting of the GCONV_PATH environment variable:
If GCONV_PATH is not set, iconv_open(3) loads the system gconv module configuration cache file created by iconvconfig(8) and then, based on the configuration, loads the gconv modules needed to perform the conversion. If the system gconv module configuration cache file is not available then the system gconv module configuration file is used.
If GCONV_PATH is defined (as a colon-separated list of pathnames), the system gconv module configuration cache is not used. Instead, iconv_open(3) first tries to load the configuration files by searching the directories in GCONV_PATH in order, followed by the system default gconv module configuration file. If a directory does not contain a gconv module configuration file, any gconv modules that it may contain are ignored. If a directory contains a gconv module configuration file and it is determined that a module needed for this conversion is available in the directory, then the needed module is loaded from that directory, the order being such that the first suitable module found in GCONV_PATH is used. This allows users to use custom modules and even replace system-provided modules by providing such modules in GCONV_PATH directories.


Usual default gconv module path.
Usual system default gconv module configuration file.
Usual system gconv module configuration cache.




Convert text from the ISO 8859-15 character encoding to UTF-8:

$ iconv -f ISO-8859-15 -t UTF-8 < input.txt > output.txt

The next example converts from UTF-8 to ASCII, transliterating when possible:

$ echo abc ß α € àḃç | iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT abc ss ? EUR abc  


locale(1), iconv(3), nl_langinfo(3), charsets(7), iconvconfig(8)  


This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.




This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 04:45:21 GMT, September 16, 2022 Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Man page of ICONV


Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (3)
Updated: 2017-09-15
Index Return to Main Contents


iconv - perform character set conversion  


#include <iconv.h>

size_t iconv(iconv_t cd,
             char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
             char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);


The iconv() function converts a sequence of characters in one character encoding to a sequence of characters in another character encoding. The cd argument is a conversion descriptor, previously created by a call to iconv_open(3); the conversion descriptor defines the character encodings that iconv() uses for the conversion. The inbuf argument is the address of a variable that points to the first character of the input sequence; inbytesleft indicates the number of bytes in that buffer. The outbuf argument is the address of a variable that points to the first byte available in the output buffer; outbytesleft indicates the number of bytes available in the output buffer.

The main case is when inbuf is not NULL and *inbuf is not NULL. In this case, the iconv() function converts the multibyte sequence starting at *inbuf to a multibyte sequence starting at *outbuf. At most *inbytesleft bytes, starting at *inbuf, will be read. At most *outbytesleft bytes, starting at *outbuf, will be written.

The iconv() function converts one multibyte character at a time, and for each character conversion it increments *inbuf and decrements *inbytesleft by the number of converted input bytes, it increments *outbuf and decrements *outbytesleft by the number of converted output bytes, and it updates the conversion state contained in cd. If the character encoding of the input is stateful, the iconv() function can also convert a sequence of input bytes to an update to the conversion state without producing any output bytes; such input is called a shift sequence. The conversion can stop for four reasons:

An invalid multibyte sequence is encountered in the input. In this case, it sets errno to EILSEQ and returns (size_t) -1. *inbuf is left pointing to the beginning of the invalid multibyte sequence.
The input byte sequence has been entirely converted, that is, *inbytesleft has gone down to 0. In this case, iconv() returns the number of nonreversible conversions performed during this call.
An incomplete multibyte sequence is encountered in the input, and the input byte sequence terminates after it. In this case, it sets errno to EINVAL and returns (size_t) -1. *inbuf is left pointing to the beginning of the incomplete multibyte sequence.
The output buffer has no more room for the next converted character. In this case, it sets errno to E2BIG and returns (size_t) -1.

A different case is when inbuf is NULL or *inbuf is NULL, but outbuf is not NULL and *outbuf is not NULL. In this case, the iconv() function attempts to set cd's conversion state to the initial state and store a corresponding shift sequence at *outbuf. At most *outbytesleft bytes, starting at *outbuf, will be written. If the output buffer has no more room for this reset sequence, it sets errno to E2BIG and returns (size_t) -1. Otherwise, it increments *outbuf and decrements *outbytesleft by the number of bytes written.

A third case is when inbuf is NULL or *inbuf is NULL, and outbuf is NULL or *outbuf is NULL. In this case, the iconv() function sets cd's conversion state to the initial state.  


The iconv() function returns the number of characters converted in a nonreversible way during this call; reversible conversions are not counted. In case of error, it sets errno and returns (size_t) -1.  


The following errors can occur, among others:
There is not sufficient room at *outbuf.
An invalid multibyte sequence has been encountered in the input.
An incomplete multibyte sequence has been encountered in the input.


This function is available in glibc since version 2.1.  


For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7).
iconv() Thread safetyMT-Safe race:cd

The iconv() function is MT-Safe, as long as callers arrange for mutual exclusion on the cd argument.  


POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008.  


In each series of calls to iconv(), the last should be one with inbuf or *inbuf equal to NULL, in order to flush out any partially converted input.

Although inbuf and outbuf are typed as char **, this does not mean that the objects they point can be interpreted as C strings or as arrays of characters: the interpretation of character byte sequences is handled internally by the conversion functions. In some encodings, a zero byte may be a valid part of a multibyte character.

The caller of iconv() must ensure that the pointers passed to the function are suitable for accessing characters in the appropriate character set. This includes ensuring correct alignment on platforms that have tight restrictions on alignment.  


iconv_close(3), iconv_open(3), iconvconfig(8)  


This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.




This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 04:45:38 GMT, September 16, 2022

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